SKU: HGP*214100102 Categories: , Tags: , , ,

HG natural stone power cleaner (product 40) effortlessly removes grease and caked-on dirt from marble and other calciferous natural-stone types, such as travertine, solnhofer, granito, terrazzo etc. It is also suitable for removing polish and other protective films, such as HG natuursteen bescherm (product 33). 1 litre diluted is sufficient for 25 to 50m2.

Dissolve 1L HG natural stone power cleaner in half a bucket (5L) of lukewarm water. Apply it liberally with a floor cloth or mop. Then leave it to work for a few minutes and scrub well. Then remove the solution from the surface with a floor cloth or mop, regularly rinsing and wringing it out. Finally, mop the floor again with clean water.











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