SKU: HGP*304050106 Categories: , Tags: , , ,

HG hardwood restorer maintains and protects hardwood garden furniture. It enhances the colour and gives a beautiful, natural look to your garden furniture. Hardwood contains mineral components that can discolour due to the effects of the weather. This can cause hardwood to look grey after a while. HG hardwoord restorer prevents and repairs this so-called greying of the wood. The convenient product quickly brings garden furniture in top condition for months, and makes it water-repellent too.

Before use, remove dust and dirt with a clean cloth or brush. Only severely greyed areas should be sanded lightly first. Then spray HG hardwood restorer evenly onto the wood. Wipe off any drops with a dry cloth. Allow the product to penetrate and gently polish after 15 minutes using a clean and dry cloth.

















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